About Kathy
I am an all around WOW-girl (ways of wellness) seeking to optimize body, mind, heart, and spirit and I’ve been on a slowly unfolding journey seeking to understand, expand, and liberate myself from myself for over twenty years!
Knowledge of one’s physical body is the first step towards healing. The body is a sacred vessel and should be treated as such. It is important to know where food comes from and how it is grown and make decisions that serve you, your community, and the planet. As a gastronomer and gardener, I love to grow, prepare, and eat food to fuel the soul.
An avid yogini, meditator and student of Buddhism, I’ve explored various mind healing modalities since the late 1990’s (1:1 psychotherapy, Imago couples therapy, family constellation therapy) to help understand family of origin issues, relationship issues, and why I am the way I am. It’s a constant process of discovery!
A pilgrimage to Peru in 2012 shortly after deathwalking my father, and then again in 2013, exposed me to sacred sites, earth honouring practices and the multidimensional realms of plant medicines. This eventually led to studies with don Oscar Miro Quesada and becoming an apprentice in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross Cultural Shamanism as well as Venus Rising Association for Transformation, studying with Linda Starwolf and certifying as a Shamanic Breathwork facilitator. These practices and lineages bring one right into the heart – and once connected to your heart, you become connected to all things; the cosmic web unites us as One!
As a Libra ruled by Venus with an Aquarius ascendant, I was born to be of service at this time. My soul’s purpose, my dharma in this latter phase of life, is to help people feel and heal. Through breathwork and a host of other modalities, through a stay at our home and land at Birdsong Retreat & Sanctuary, and through attending retreats in our Temple of Venus, you will be held, nurtured, witnessed, and supported to progress on your ever unfolding path as a conscious, luminous, heart-centered being.
Breathwork Trainings/Courses:
Shamanic Breathwork Master Practitioner (2018-2022, 400 hours); 80 hour Intro to CCB/Rebirthing with Robin Woodsford/NZ (2023); courses with The Shift Network: Transformational Breath with Judith Kravitz; SOMA Breathwork with Niraj Naik; Biodynamic Breathwork with Gitan Tonkov; and Neurodynamic Breathwork classes with Michael Stone (2021/2022)
Shamanic Studies/Courses:
Apprentice in Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross Cultural Shamanism with don Oscar Miro Quesada (2017-2021); Mystery School with Linda StarWolf (2021-current); Doctorate in Psycho-Spiritual Studies with Venus Rising University (in process); Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics with Chris Bache PhD, Shift Network (2021)
Retreat Creator
Co-creator and Steward of Birdsong Retreat & Sanctuary since 2007 and our Temple of Venus healing space (2019)
Contributing Author
Four books (2020-2022) - see the “Book” menu tab for details.
Reiki Master Training with Devi Ma, Bali (2018/2019); Reiki I & II with Margaretta von Recklinghausen (2005); Deathwalker four-day training with Zenith Virago (2022); Trauma-Informed Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Practitioner Training with Atira Tan (2023); Five 10-day Buddhist Transpersonal Therapeutic immersive retreats with Jill Purce, UK (2011-2017); Four 5-day silent meditation retreats (2012-2017); B.A. and Masters in Non-Profit Administration, Business, & Finance (1992/1999).
My Philosophy
I am an edgewalker, a seeker and an explorer, bridging the inner to the outer, the above to the below. I have physically travelled the world, learning about other cultures, working with world class teachers, always seeking to gain knowledge about myself. The wisdom slowly gathered from decades of inner work has brought me to this understanding:
The information is contained within. We have the capacity to heal ourselves. We contain our own inner wisdom and inner guidance system that can show us the way. But, for most of us, we’ve forgotten this deep connection to all things, this sacredness that is within us and all around us.
When we connect back into our core, our locus, our centers, back to the heart, re-aligning both the masculine and the feminine within, then magic can happen. We begin to feel more, to come alive, to re-member with awe, what it is like to be human, alive, right here, right now.
Let me help you remember your magic!
Breathwork Facilitator with Venus Rising Assoc. for
Birdsong Retreat
& Sanctuary
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