Shamanic Breathwork: The Nature of Change
with lead author & founder of Shamanic Breathwork, Linda StarWolf, March 2022, Brave Healer Productions

Chapter 10 Make a Noise: Sounding, Toning, & Emoting to Release Fear, Grief & Rage
I share about my entrance into breathwork in 2017/2018 when I’d hit a bottom with my anger and needed help. After working with a local breathwork practitioner, I found Shamanic Breathwork & Linda Star Wolf. I began my training in 2018 and became certified in 2020. Twenty-five fellow Shamanic Breathwork Facilitators share their personal transformational stories. For my ‘medicine’ I share some toning practices to help people relax and open their throats thereby allowing them to make a noise.
“Lying on the floor with 20 others, we do the circular breathing technique they taught us. Five minutes: What am I doing here? Why did I come? I don’t know anyone here. This kind of stuff never works for me. Ten minutes: Tingling sensations surge through my hands and feet. Whoa. This is strange. Just trust and breathe. Fifteen minutes: Energy, like plasma, pulsates through my hands. Wow, this is cool! I think I’m getting the hang of this. 20 minutes: Sobs erupt and tears stream down my face. I am touching the void, tuning into the oneness of all things. I know I am part of the greater universe. I am love. My heart is open. How is this happening? How could I experience all of this from breathing? 25 minutes: The soothing voice of the facilitator brings us back to regular breathing and back into our bodies. What the hell was that?”
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Breathwork Facilitator with Venus Rising Assoc. for
Birdsong Retreat
& Sanctuary
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